Frequently Asked Questions

We currently do not offer returns and all cars are sold as is.

No. Unless stated and provided in written form your vehicle is sold as is. We do have powertrain warranties available upon request available for purchase. 

We are the most flexible car broker in the tri-state area because we are location flexible. just book with us and we’ll work with you to coordinate the most convenient location.

Showtime Auto is a cash dealership. Since we specialize in high quality low priced cars we do not currently offer financing. 

Yes. Offers are subject to condition and market value.

Yes. If you’re looking to buy a car in inventory or you need us to source a car for you, we can accept your old car as a trade in towards your purchase.

We only sell used and pre-owned vehicles.

As the leading automotive brokers we can source any vehicle you’re looking to buy. Book your consultation today.

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We can source anything from anywhere!